Click here to Apply to be a City Light Kid
What is City Light Kids?
City Light Kids (CLK) is based on Matthew 5:14-16, “You are the light of the world—like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden...In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father." We exist to see the children shine brightly in their homes, schools and community. We believe that heavily investing in a small number of students at a very deep level will produce great long-term benefits for the individuals and community as a whole.
What do we do?
CLK meets (M-TH) weekly after school, throughout the school year, to foster an environment of belonging and offer space for each student to be known and accepted. We provide a unique support system that comes alongside students, their family and the school system. During the course of CLK gatherings students will play, participate in life skills, receive an abundance of academic support and share in family bonding experiences.
Why we do it?
We believe City Light Kids are future leaders of our community. Amidst the trauma and difficulties that students face today, CLK recognizes a student’s potential and commits to investing and connecting students to needed resources and opportunities. The ultimate hope is that each student would be encouraged to shine brightly who God made them to be.
What are the CLK Core Values?
I'M THIRD: Using our influence to honor God and serve others.
DISCOVERING GOLD: Finding the value in ourselves and others.
ACCOUNTABILITY: Holding each other to a higher standard.
KINSHIP: Being a family that loves without condition.
What are the Core Components of CLK?
- Mentoring: on-sight mentorship from adult volunteers & staff.
- Academic Empowerment: academic remediation & enrichment provided by licensed K-5 teachers.
- Spiritual Development & Life Skills: Character development through a biblical lens.
Ways to get involved:
Click here to Apply to be a City Light Kid
Click here to to Apply to be a CLK Mentor
Click here to Donate snacks and supplies to CLK
This activity made possible, in part, with support from the Community Foundation of St. Joseph County and Beacon Health System.